Most of us love to listen to music and we have our own type of music that we listen to. Each week we spent at least 30 hours listening to our favorite music.

There is power in music. Listening to music has many effects on us and we find our spirits lifted up, we experience relief from stress, and we simply enjoy singing with our favorite artists as we listen to the music that they play. We may have different preferences when it comes to music. The truth is that most of us do not really care where the music that we listen to come from, the roots of the genre that we love.

Read more here on the guide to the roots of your favorite genre. This is limited to 5 of the more popular music genres today.

Rap music is the newest genre of music today. A few decades ago, in the 60s and 70s, rap music was born in New York. This relatively new genre of music has become the most popular genre among music fans today. The beats per minute of this type of music is very high. The manner of speech in this type of music is also very fast. With rhyming and wordplay, rap has become a very interesting music genre. Today you can find many popular rappers. And there are also many popular offshoots of this genre including gangster rap, mumble rap, dirty rap and more.

Rock music was the most popular before rap came. The origin of rock music, its sounds and rhythms is African music. In the 50s and 60s, Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry included elements of blues, gospel, and soul music to give rock its signature sound in those days. Now, rock is not longer drum-centric but it is primarily guitar-driven.

Another music genre is pop or popular music which is fun, upbeat music which appeals to a wide audience. Pop song are usually short, intentionally repetitive and rely on a chorus.

One popular but misunderstood music genre is heavy metal. People take it to be loud, angry noise. However, this genre actually has its roots in blues and jazz music.   They use the tritone known as the devil’s chord to create a darker, heavier sound. This music genre offers something for listeners of every type of music. Some elements of disco and pop music are included into some metal music. Others incorporate jazz fusion, classical, and rock elements into their style of metal.

Opposite of pop and rock is punk music. This type of music is a passionate guitar—drive music with fast beats per minute. It is off-putting and counter-culture.   

The history of different types of music can be found in this site where you can get more info. and learn more about the topic at hand.